Justin Ma

Subset Games

身兼美術與設計專長的 Justin 在 2009 年時與 Matthew Davis 一起進入 2K Games 上海總部工作,自此正式成為遊戲產業的一份子。在 2011 年時,兩人決定轉換跑道,共同成立了 Subset Games,並開發他們第一款獨立作品《FTL: Faster Than Light》。在《FTL》一作大獲好評,取得商業成功之後,Justin 和 Matthew 兩人投入了整整四年的時間,開發工作室的下一款遊戲《Into the Breach》,並於 2018 年 2 月份正式上架。

雖然電子遊戲是 Justin 生活中很重要的一環,不過他跟老婆也時常到處旅遊、品嘗美食,希望多花一點來親身體驗這個世界。


Justin Ma的議程

Design Lessons from FTL and Into the Breach

Day 1 - 14:00 - 14:30

Into the Breach is a minimalist Mechs vs Monsters tactics game with elements inspired by the roguelike genre. In many ways, the creation of Into the Breach was a direct response to Subset Game's experience creating FTL however its development was anything but straightforward. Through much trial and error, it took over two years of prototyping to settle on the basic structure of the game. In this talk, Justin will explore some of the twists and turns Into the Breach took on its way towards completion. He will focus on the design challenges, the reasoning behind their choices, and lessons to take away from their experience. 

Dead Cells - Behind the scene (working title)

Day 1 - 13:30 - 14:30

Dead Cells was a really great surprise for us. The player's reception & feedback was absolutely amazing and it's now a good time for me to share what we've learned from this crazy last few months: how to survive on Early Access and what makes a game feel just right.

Test day 2

Day 2 - 09:30 - 10:30

tes test