About Taipei Game Developers Forum

TGDF is currently the largest annual conference on game development in Taiwan, attracting roughly a thousand attendees from domestic and abroad each year. In the past few years, we had several renowned developers as speakers from all over the world, including Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Rez Infinite), Sébastien Bénard (Dead Cells), Justin Ma (FTL), Jonas Bötel (Subnautica) and more. In 2018, we also collaborated with Unity Technologies officially on a set of Unity supported sessions. 

As with previous years, we are planning a few dozens of sessions and panels regarding game design, programming, visual art, audio, marketing and other game-related topics for our attendees. 

2019 Taipei Game Developers Forum will take place on July 10th and 11th at Taipei New Horizon. No matter you are students, indies or AAA developers, we sincerely welcome you to join us!

(Call For Presentation is still going on! Please check out our CFP page.)

Live Streaming

Track 1

  • This will direct you to TGDF_Official Twitch channel for Track 1 sessions.

Track 2

  • This will direct you to TGDF_Official2 Twitch channel for Track 2 sessions.


  • Pre-register now and answer the post-event survey to join our raffle for prizes!

What's New

2018 Indie Space 獨立遊戲空間

2018年第七屆台北遊戲開發者論壇( TGDF )相關活動拓展為四天,其中邀請台灣開發者展出自製遊戲的「TGDF Indie Space獨立遊戲空間」今年在台北市電腦公會舉辦的 Summer Game Show 中展出,8/11 ~ 8/12在華山文創園區舉辦。

「TGDF ...

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