Tanya X. Short

Captain, Kitfox Games

Tanya X. Short is the Captain of Kitfox Games, a small indie team in Montreal, Canada. Thus far, they have created Boyfriend Dungeon, Moon Hunters, The Shrouded Isle, and Shattered Planet. Previously, Tanya worked as a designer on MMOs, including The Secret World and Age of Conan. In her spare time, she is a leader of Pixelles, a feminist non-profit in Montreal, and she co-edits game design textbooks, including Procedural Generation in Game Design.

Sessions by Tanya X. Short

Dealing with Failures in a Small Team

Day 1 - 13:30 - 14:00

Failure often teaches you so much more than success. In the past five years, Kitfox Games has seen both! In particular, their biggest success was also their biggest failure -- the launch of Moon Hunters was ambitious, relatively on-schedule, and a source of heartbreak. Although they recovered, and eventually thrived, it was a long road, and the studio head is ready to share what they learned in the process, about business, production, creative direction, and game design... and how they will continue to apply these going forward with Boyfriend Dungeon and other projects.